Media and the Afterlife of the Arab Uprisings

Visiting Filmmakers Series

Wednesday, November 1, 2017 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM EDT
Research Hall, 163

Media and the Afterlife of the Arab Uprisings

Wednesday, November 1, 5:30pm

Research 163

Panel discussion 

Ever since the Arab Uprisings began in 2011, it has been commonplace to note that film, video, social networks, and other cultural forms have been important to the intelligibility of these events. The period that followed is also often perceived to be disconnected from the Uprisings, or to signal their futility or definitive end. This suggests a key contradiction of the contemporary moment - even as the political and the aesthetic seems to become more tightly connected, the connection itself seems to not matter in the same way as it once did.

This panel brings together an interdisciplinary group of scholars to discuss the aftermath of media and the Arab Uprisings. It interrogates the images, political dynamics, and cultural forms that have emerged in the years since Bouazizi, Tahrir, and Asad became familiar names beyond the Middle East. Speakers will contextualize the politics of aesthetic practices in the period since the Uprisings appeared to begin so as to more clearly apprehend the contemporary moment.

Marwan M. Kraidy, "Creative Insurgency & Media Industries: Post-Revolutionary Paths"
Anthony Shadid Chair in Global Media, Politics & Culture Annenberg School, University of Pennsylvania
Rayya El Zein, "Neoliberal Orientalism"
Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication Annenberg School, University of Pennsylvania
Hatim El-Hibri, "Speaking as the People"
Assistant Professor, English and Film and Media Studies, George Mason University
Respondent: Amal Amireh, George Mason University
Moderator: Bassam Haddad, George Mason University
Our panel is sponsored by Middle East and Islamic Studies, Film and Media Studies, Film and Video Studies, Arab Studies Institute, Communication, Cultural Studies, the English Department, and Global Programs.
Co-sponsors: Global Affairs, and the Center for Global Islamic Studies. 
Free pizza and beverages will be served. 

More uprisings: GMU Visiting Filmmakers Series: Whose Streets? with Sabaah Foyalan

Nov 2 4:30pm Johnson Center Cinema

Documentary and discussion of the Ferguson uprising and its ongoing effects.

Information: Hatim El-Hibri
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